Posted 2 days ago

Portal with RTX - FREE upgrade on steam

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About this deal

If you have the original Portal on Steam (who doesn't at this stage) - there is a brand new free upgrade if you have an Nvidia RTX GPU. It's a big graphics upgrade and the achievements are reset so you can have fun earning them again.
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Edited by a community support team member, 2 days ago
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  1. Nathan_Macey's avatar
    This has been around for over a year now
    vhero's avatar
    Was about to post same they never charged for this and thus this isn't a "deal"
  2. BrianButterfield's avatar
    I played it but it adds nothing to the game, and that is the problem with RTX really. And when you're playing and not looking at screenshots, you barely notice a difference. If Kojima were making a MGS game that had RTX, I'd fully expect him to make it so you could sneak around seeing reflections and even enemy AI sees reflections. That would be great use of it... But RT has added nothing and baked in lighting is so good these days that even in side by sides it often comes down to eprsonal preference.
    Adam_Shippam's avatar
    It's very easy in games that use RT well to tell when it is on and off. It's less about reflective surfaces and more about shiny surfaces. Like glass in control has minor reflections and it just makes it feel more realistic.

    Gameplay wise, yeah I turn it off to get more frames per second...
  3. tr0r's avatar
    RTX 2060 here.
    It runs, but you have to turn everything down enough so much you might as well play the standard version.
    Gorgeous if you can ramp it up though.
  4. NibblyPig's avatar
    Tried it but I get like 30fps with a 3090 with DLSS enabled lol
    ErykG120's avatar
    You need a 4000 series card for this, this was more of a Frame Generation tech demo than an RTX demo.
  5. EugeneVictorTooms's avatar
    Let us not forget Portal: Revolution mod on Steam, another freebie (for those that own Portal 2) that's been out for a while and Is reviewed well! (edited)
    FinderOfDeals's avatar
    Don't forget the Quake ii RTX either! LOL
  6. doyoulikeowls's avatar
    A free DLC which has been out for over a year??
  7. Lococol's avatar
    hotdealsuk1973's avatar
    exactly this

    its been out for a year and like many others i wasn't even aware this is why reminder posts are always welcome

    thanks for posting heat added
  8. Arkz's avatar
    "brand new free upgrade" Isn't this like. 2 years old?
  9. 7913249082's avatar
    Why is this being posted? It is not new, and it has always been free.
    Palmz21's avatar
    I didn’t know about it and I have Portal 1, thanks OP!
  10. AdrianPetrache's avatar
    Bro thinks we have a rtx card
  11. shop.uk's avatar
    Yes, known.
    But still great to play with RTX , on GeForce NOW Cloud
  12. Shinkal's avatar
    Too bad it doesn't run well on AMD 6000 - and most likely neither 7000.
    EndemicAlarm's avatar
    Lol it's totally impossible to Google because of the cards named RTX. It's paid for by Nvidia to be an advertisement, they're not going to make any effort whatsoever to help AMD owners****, though I guess since the graphics on both this an Quake II are pretty old you could probably turn down a lot of the other settings and not lose much to see what happens. Still gonna get a slideshow I assume.

    **** I stand corrected, the latest changelog includes improvements for AMD contributed via Github. (edited)
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