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Posted 27 April 2023

Xbox Games with Gold (May) - Star Wars Episode I Racer & Hoa @ Xbox

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Star Wars Episode I Racer

Climb on and strap in for some old-school “Star Wars Episode I” podracing action. Play as young Anakin Skywalker or any of the over twenty-one podracers. Fire up your two massive jet engines and rev up to 600 MPH as you race by and over flaming methane lakes, through meteor showers, past Tusken Raiders, and more. May the Force be with you!


Travel through the beautiful, mythologically inspired world of Hoa. Play as the titular fairy returning to her homeland to reinvigorate the terrain and its inhabitants. This is a soothing, meditative puzzle-platformer which will utterly charm you with hand-painted art and a beautiful score. Lose yourself in the little wonders.

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Edited by a community support team member, 28 April 2023
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  1. sm9690's avatar
    They should just abandon it at this stage instead of disappointing everyone each month
    mixmixi's avatar
    In all fairness, this month's games are not too shabby, hence I decided to post them.
  2. skypotter's avatar
    Star Wars racer is a stone cold classic. 😁
  3. DarthVader66's avatar
    Star wars is good. Not garbage for once
  4. Mad.ass's avatar
    Hoa is a great game. I really enjoyed it.
  5. mbg77's avatar
    Yep and finished it 100% before lunch. Nice game but feels like a tutorial for a much bigger game like Ori
  6. Trogador's avatar
    Jesus wept
    odiedodie's avatar
    And died for our sins.

    Atleast Star Wars is a recognisable IP
  7. justabout72's avatar
  8. TheRealJoycey's avatar
    doveman007's avatar
    She might let you near a Boa. She may even encourage you to approach it!
  9. jansen.lebow's avatar
    Just scrap this. I know people will say 'BuT iTs free.' like come on. This is just pants. Be better if they just add these to game pass at least they don't have to make a whole separate hyped up thing for this atrocious line up each month.
    Adddddd's avatar
    But it's free
  10. SpaghettiMonster's avatar
    Nearly bought Star Wars racer recently so I'm pleased.
    Rod_SmithmPK's avatar
    Me too.. I don't know why
  11. Wraggy1234's avatar
    Never understood the moaning about free games ... Heat from me!
    Lil6ix's avatar
    Because they aren’t free
  12. magnavox72's avatar
    Two decent games on Games with Gold. At the same time.
    Has hell frozen over?
  13. tonyk100's avatar
    heat for star wars ep1 racer
  14. deanoh11's avatar
    Didn't continue my gold sub when it expired a few months ago and it has been a great decision!
  15. Dingle2007's avatar
    Star Wars 🏻I’ll take that
  16. UKBatman's avatar
    I'll take a star wars game, and I've heard such good things about Hoa
  17. Illusionary's avatar
    I could never quite convince myself to buy Hoa, nice to be able to play it without needing to!
  18. Roger_W's avatar
    Racer what a fantastic way to waste a few hours was great fun on pc back in the day will be the same now. Hope it has 2 player or more
  19. JTD.ST's avatar
    Oooooo nice! I almost bought Racer. Glad I didn’t now. And Hoa looks like my kinda thing too. Brilliant. Good month for me
  20. berwyn.jones's avatar
    Had Star Wars Racer on a big box on PC years ago. Was great fun back then!
  21. Jaime_VanHunskerken's avatar
    Star Wars Racer is old but it's a classic, I'm happy this month
  22. Stevinho's avatar
    Just here for the comments
  23. EugeneVictorTooms's avatar
    Ooo the poor reviews Hoa received put me off buying it but as a GWG I’ll defo pick it up, gorgeous looking game.
  24. Mark_McAj's avatar
    I'm happy to get a racing game for a change.
  25. KennyBania's avatar
    Better than ps+ offerings this month, for once.
  26. PressPlay's avatar
    Star Wars Episode I Racer is great game I already own it, at least Hoa is a game I don't have, thanks for posting! (edited)
  27. HappyHooligan's avatar
    I'm so glad I don't pay full whack for this every month!
  28. malachi's avatar
    "It's A New Lap Record!!!"
  29. simonduddy's avatar
    Now thats pod racing
    John_Chapmank5I's avatar
    Came here for this comment.
  30. Richie_Balshaw's avatar
    Boss, will be gettin starwars, always a good time on that classic. Not long got it for my son on his nintendo too.
  31. Doyl's avatar
    They should change the announcement picture since it looks so bare nowadays.
  32. ultramarine360's avatar
    Awesome 2 quick games. Overall I'm happy, will help keep my streaks going
  33. sibeer's avatar
    More I want to play here than PS this month. Have nearly bought Star Wars a few times to bring me back to the days of playing on the N64
    Adddddd's avatar
    I think the PS lineup is stronger, but 2/3 games are / have been on game pass.

    I'm also biased. Descenders and chivalry are both great games to sink hours into
  34. zippydoodah's avatar
    Star Wars Ep1 Racer for free - I'll take that. Would be wude not to.
  35. robo989's avatar
    If this isn't the proof that Gold is being 'force' cancelled and gamepass foisted on us then I'm Yoda.
  36. xp3200's avatar
    WOW what a load of ....
  37. groobytrzyszostki's avatar
    Nice month and Peaky Blinders from last selection was absolutely brilliant.
  38. lukemack's avatar
    Whey actually not disappointed with Pod Racer, something I'd of never of biught but will gice it a go for free
  39. exhausted's avatar
    Star wars racer is good fun. I thought it was pretty difficult as well but I am terrible at all racing games so there is that
  40. PLEYOR's avatar
    Quite happy to see Pod Racer here. Have had my eye on that for ages.
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