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Posted 13 April 2024

6 Months Supply Loratadine Hayfever & Allergy Relief 10mg Tablets (30x6) GSL S&S £5.12 Sold EML MEDSby

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  • 6 Months Supply Loratadine Hayfever & Allergy Relief 10mg Tablets (30x6) GSL

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Edited by a community support team member, 13 April 2024
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  1. gregorygamer89's avatar
    8 months here for £5.99 amazon.co.uk/240…c=1 , what's the difference - anyone know?
    Scottish_Dafty's avatar
    The one OP posted is Loratadine, wether as the one you put the link up for is Cetirizine dihydrochloride.
    Some people might not notice the difference but if i take the Cetirizine dihydrochloride one i get affected badly by it's drowsiness side effect. Only takes about 30 minutes before I'm drooling on myself 🤤
    Loratadine however I'm fine with.
  2. dealhuntergb's avatar
    I’d be very cautious of buying any medication from Amazon as you don’t 100% know where it’s come from (apparently Amazons own stock gets mixed in the warehouse bin with 3rd party stock)

    Supermarkets own branded hayfever tablets are less than £1
    StaceyQ's avatar
    Do you use a DeLorean to get them?
    It's usually £2.95 for a 30 pack own label in my local Tesco.

    Look for the active ingredient and product licence number to check it's licenced in the UK or EEA.
  3. te721's avatar
    52570816-fFTkG.jpg Slightly cheaper from a different supplier
    guttediam's avatar
    Thank you te721

    Gave you heat Op 😜
  4. zchari5's avatar
    Ok guys,it seems like allergy season is upon us and we always get snake oil sellers on here so this is my unbiased run down:

    All antihistamines work... You just need to keep on taking them regularly to feel the full benefit. The same day effects are quite mild but the key is to keep taking them and within a week you'll be much better. Don't forget to keep taking when your symptoms are better. I started about a month ago and have to take till the end of autumn. Some individuals seem more sensitive to some over others. personally I buy different types as they won't sell me over a certain amount of each and to save on delivery costs. Cetirizine and Loratadine are the cheapest commonly available ones. Fexofenadine may be marginally more effective per tablet but I think you still need a script for this and as long as you take the meds regularly you'll almost certainly not need it over the ones above. Chlorphenamine is the most easily available for kids. It's slightly more sedating as crosses the blood brain barrier more readily. All liquid brands I've tried taste foul despite the sweeteners so your kids will probably prefer tablets as soon as they can swallow them (you might try wrapping them in a ball of bread wettened with water).

    Loratadine: chemist-4-u.com/lor…wcB

    I also buy beclometasone based nasal sprays (steroids are best for nasal/ itchy throat symptoms but try and use sparingly to minimise systemic absorption, nose bleeds, halitosis etc) and sodium cromoglycate based eye drops (sadly they all sting these days as they have a lot of salt in them as a preservative) as I have truly atrocious allergies. I once got allergy testing done and even reacted to the control (salt water).
    Eyes chemist-4-u.com/mur…wcB
    Nose chemist-4-u.com/pol…ays?_gl=1*1mzh98e*_up*MQ..*_ga*NjY3OTU1MjkxLjE3MTMwNzYwMzA.*_ga_2T8E85SC21*MTcxMzA3NjAyOS4xLjEuMTcxMzA3NjE3OC4wLjAuMA..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU2n1KFY5l5b6eWuKvygaBFf9fO3RI_f81c9P-mT9RTq3CQAfpHf74kaAlY5EALw_wcB

    Don't bother with homeopathic ones, decongestants or honey (bee spread pollens are too big to trigger allergies so it doesn't make sense even, that's why most people are allergic to airborne pollen such as grass and tree). There's a decent podcast from Sliced Bread on BBC Sounds if people want a bit (but not too much) extra info

    Avoid kenalog (steroids) injections as although they do work they have serious potential side effects. Or ignore and buy from your local dodgy Botox place/ private practitioner.

    Use any UK online pharmacy (if they'll sell you Viagra without a script then avoid). Personally I've used these guys and pharmacy first so would recommend either. The tablets are cheaper in bulk eg here for 360: chemist-4-u.com/cet…wcB
    They usually have a best before of a couple of years in my experience. Great if sharing with family members to save on delivery

    Delivery is free above £30

    Don't hassle the NHS about allergy testing as if you have bad hay fever you'll almost certainly be allergic to a range of allergens so they're impossible to avoid and the treatment is almost always the same. Plus they're busy enough coping with the ridiculous waits for anything else.

    I hope this helps (edited)
    rapid85's avatar
    Good post. The only thing that puzzled me is when you said you have to buy different ones because they won't sell you enough. You can buy 12 months of loratadine/cetirizine. Were you talking about Fexfenadine?

    I echo the advice to give all tablets a proper chance to work. It takes them weeks to get in my system properly for the new season, depending on the seasons themselves. I usually start in February but as the seasons continually get later, I comfortably got away with March this year. My tip is to start taking them BEFORE experiencing any symptoms, otherwise you could end up suffering for a few weeks and thinking the tablets don't work, when really they just needed starting earlier.

    Another tip if you have kids is being aware that from 6 years old, children can take cetirizine (half a tablet, twice a day). We found this a god send. Not only did it save us a fortune vs Piriton (Chlorphenamine) but it's more effective and less drowsy. The only caveat of course, is whether your kids take to swallowing half tablet with water or not! Ours loved it because we billed it as taking 'grown up hayfever medicine'.
  5. Zameen's avatar
    Citirizine if anyone wants it, sold by amazon in other sellers

    Sho_Nuff's avatar
    Yes, I don't use Loratadine. I bought the Cetirizine you linked to a few days back.
  6. KB90's avatar
    I am getting these Allergy tables since many years and it really good against Hay-fever & Allergy.

    But last month order (Paid £4.68), I've received different brand in new packaging. I rang Amazon and received a refund.
    seagull1977's avatar
    The active ingredient is the same so it doesn't matter what packaging it comes in. Mine came in different packing but still works
  7. roady's avatar
    If you want 4% of your hay-fever reduced, then go for these beauties. Or go for 120mg fexofenodine and then have the whole thing eradicated like you never had it in your life, you be the judge.
    MatthewCoomber's avatar
    Agreed, Allevia has been a game changer for me.
  8. BrianButterfield's avatar
    Anyone tried the eating local honey technique? I swear the main problem is Rapeseed.
    maccalen's avatar
    I heard this on a medical podcast - it's nothing more than a myth.
  9. SPLE22's avatar
    The country is probably immune to this now. Just doesn't work.
    Seanl1991's avatar
    Anti histamines work very well for me
  10. ricotinel's avatar
    This is a deal not to be sniffed at!!!
  11. katiex87x's avatar
  12. Polar1's avatar
    Always 30 for 89p at B&M, both types, Bells Healthcare.
  13. devdas121's avatar
    Why the local pharmacies are charging £4.99 per one pack?
    EnbyEmily's avatar
    Chemist4You is 99p.
    The brand name Clarityn is like £7 though.
  14. kenzo's avatar
    Is this the drowsy kind?
    DanMck's avatar
  15. briz1's avatar
    It’s £4.65 if you click on other sellers and you can wait till Wednesday for free delivery
  16. markvirgo's avatar
    terfenadine is the only one that ever worked 100% for me but they banned it in 1992
    StaceyQ's avatar
    Fexofenadine is related to Triludan. 180mg version is a PoM from your doctor

    I used Triludan Forte back in the day and it worked 100% but it did make some people drop dead.
  17. FTOdude170's avatar
    Showing as £4.65 now lol

    6 Months Supply Loratadine Hayfever & Allergy Relief 10mg Tablets (30x6) GSL amzn.eu/d/g…kCq
    when opening the Amazon app (edited)
  18. Milky_Joe's avatar
    Great for the dog who suffers seasonal allergies
  19. dan_uk's avatar
    I’ve had absolutely zero luck with Loratidine or Cetirizine, personally, but I have allergies that would bung up an Elephant. The only way I can get through the summer is with Fexofenadine (Allevia etc). Just wish it wasn’t so expensive to buy over the counter compared to other allergy treatments. 
  20. Huwa_aJohnDaBrave's avatar
    These are manufactured by TEVA. Just so you know.
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