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Posted 14 May 2024

Gozney Roccbox Pizza Oven

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Now 20% off until May 28th. I have just purchased one of these and although it is great for pizza it is also very versatile. Use it to cook wings , steak , roast veggies etc.
Seems a number of retailers are doing the 20% off
Gozney More details at
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Edited by a community support team member, 14 May 2024
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  1. wdh's avatar
    Noted that it is the same price at Lakeland…
    It is a pretty good deal and it actually includes a rather good launching peel.
    Discounting seemed inevitable with the strong demand for the Arc XL. A lot more oven for just a bit more than the list price of the Roccbox.

    This (like the Oonis) excels at Neapolitan style pizzas, which require temperatures beyond the reach of the G3 and suchlike. Yes it would be wasted on reheating supermarket pizzas.
    While “portable” it is surprisingly heavy.
    Yes, the front panel gets sooty, but Barkeepers Friend does a good job for cleaning.
    Don’t bother with even the 2.0 version of the wood burner. Gas works better and is much less fuss. The audience might enjoy the smoke in the air from the thing, but, cooking for barely more than a minute, it doesn’t affect the pizza’s taste. (edited)
    yimpster's avatar
    I have the Roccbox and consider the ArcXL to be a lot more money so was out of my reach( i know it's subjective).

    Very happy with the roccbox though and have nothing else to compare it to.
  2. lafonk's avatar
    I had an Ooni Koda 12 and after a year or so the ignitor switch stopped working. It was intermittent for awhile, then just stopped. To be fair Ooni provided a replacement, which I then sold and got a sweet limited edition orange Aperol version of the Gozney. Comparison is that the Gozney feels much sturdier and I love that the gas burner is removable and replaceable unlike the Ooni. It is heavier and more unwieldy, though the official rain cover with strap makes it easier to move (carrying down a couple flights of stairs from the flat). I also noticed that the opening is slightly, but noticeably smaller than the Ooni, which made some homemade peels not quite fit. Cooks pizzas like a dream and I'm glad I made the switch but some day, when it doesn't have to be moved, I'd love to upgrade to a larger oven. Also definitely prefer gas over wood, so much less faff. And there's a calculator for how much gas is used per hour. My last gas canister lasted for ages, though I wasn't cooking super often.
    lafonk's avatar
    I remember when the dome came out and it looked so good. There were some amazing prices too, compared to current pricing. I’d probably be perfectly content with the Arc xl though. Never making bigger than 16” pizzas. Which is also enough space for other cooking. But tbh I haven’t thought it through because I don’t have a place to put it currently. (edited)
  3. baddison's avatar
    A bit disingenuous comparing this to the Ooni Koda 12. Should be comparing to the Karu 12 which is multi fuel and very good IMHO after a couple of year use with wood and gas. I'm not saying the Roccbox is bad (I have never used one) just that the point of comparison being made is wrong.
  4. Chz's avatar
    Honest question.
    I'm fine with paying more for quality, so long as I see some benefit out of it.

    I have one of those £150 13" gas pizza ovens off Ebay from GardenStoreDirect. (which research suggests is a de-branded Mimiuo) It heats up to 500C. It cooks the pizza in 2 minutes. I have zero interest in burning wood instead of gas. Given that it's basically an enclosed heat sink and a gas flame, what is it I would be getting here for double the price? There aren't any moving parts or electronics to fail.
    SeanRTK's avatar
    If you already own a pizza oven and you're happy with it, it wouldn't be worth the upgrade I suspect. You have already invested £150 and likely wouldn't see that big of an improvement.

    However, if you don't own a pizza oven, and have £320 to spend, this is a great contender, these look great, and I've seen street food pizza vans with a couple of these in, churning out pizzas all day every day, they are built to last. If they are good enough for someone running a business, they'd be amazing for at home.
  5. Nystagmos's avatar
    Should be able to get an extra 15% off as a new Lakeland customer (with a Mention Me referral)... anyone know of any better voucher codes for retailers selling this at £319?
    Nystagmos's avatar
    New Lakeland customers get a 10% off code 'WELCOME10', so I used that. Needed to add at least one other item to the basket for it to work with the Roccbox - I added the £25 turning peel. Quidco too. (edited)
  6. Tom_Szczepanski's avatar
    Much better than an Ooni Koda 12 if someone is trying to decide between the two. I had a Koda 12 and abit of wind broke it 🥴
    floz's avatar
    How? Just curious as I’m trying to decide between the 2 of them
  7. Matthew_mcm's avatar
    gas it much better if you start making roman style pizza's
  8. dré.'s avatar
    Bought one of these in 2016 on indigogo and paid more than this ($475). They are built incredibly well, I've never used the wood burner. You can use a decent supermarket base to create your own pizzas but reduce the temp to 250/300c max otherwise you'll have charcoal in less than 90 seconds. Great if you're entertaining as food as pizzas are ready in less than 2 minutes.
  9. La_Dispatcher's avatar
    Massively rate this oven, bought 4 years ago and best investment ever. Only with I could have gotten the green or black LE editions
  10. Filbet's avatar
    One of the best things we have brought, family event every now and again...can get messy when doing pizzas from scratch...breadmaking helps with the dough
  11. rblackburn's avatar
    I've had this for about 2 weeks, and I can say it's a brilliant pizza oven. The quality is fantastic. I was on the fence between this and another Ooni model.

    I chose this because of the heat retention due to the amount of insulation you just don't get with the Ooni's. I was able to do six pizzas, one after another, without any preheat time between them. Probably why most mobile pizza vans use these.

    For me, it takes about 25-30 minutes to get up to launch temperature from cold, which may be a little slower than the Oonis, but the time it takes to cook multiple pizzas more than makes up for it.

    The pizza peel it comes with is also high quality, which is another bonus at this price over the Ooni's.

    Lastly, the biggest factor for me was that this came with a bottle opener.... Need I say more!
  12. Sentral's avatar
    Best pizza ovens you can buy. We've got both the gas and wood burners for ours and it's great!
  13. pesser's avatar
    I cant decide beetween this or an tandoor
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