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Posted 20 August 2023

Selection of flights from London to Sorvagur (Faroe Islands), in October, via Scandinavian Airlines

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non-exhaustive list of October flights :

oct 2-9 (£232)
oct 4-11 (£213)
oct 4-12 (£215)
oct 5-11 (£216)
oct 5-12 (£217)
oct 6-12 (£212)
oct 11-18 (£231)
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Edited by a community support team member, 20 August 2023
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  1. boostii's avatar
    no, no, no, no, no - please boycott Faroes due to their mass killings of whales for fun. Do not visit. They should be a pariah nation. Search up "the grind" if you are not aware. Yes I have voted cold
    finknottle's avatar
    No, no, no, no, no, pLEaSe boycott the UK due to their mass factory farming. Do not live here. We should be a pariah nation.

    That’s how silly you sound - the only difference being that this practice is highly visible, rather than behind closed doors, and you seem to have a particular bee in your bonnet about it. I actually happen to love whales and find the hunt repulsive, but not everything is a grand moral test and opportunity for you to jump atop your soapbox. Pilot whale populations are healthy. The hunting season is over by the time these flights take off. And arguably, going there outside or at the end of the season - to, for example, charter a boat and watch whales and dolphins, or seabirds - is the most effective thing you could do to disincentivise the practice economically. Culturally there’s nothing you can do, because it’s an integral and ancient part of Faroese culture. You could always join Sea Shepherd if you actually want to do something to disrupt the practice, but I get that it’s easier to obtain a quick virtue hit by posting emotional outbursts and gory images on HUKD.