Unfortunately, this deal has expired 31 May 2023.
Posted 8 May 2023

Receive up to 30GB of cloud storage (including 10GB base storage) for signing up via Mobile with a business email @ Box

Redvillage65's avatar
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Joined in 2020

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Here is the website link to the offer - blog.box.com/how…unt

There are a few limitations to the free plan.

. The maximum upload size of a single file is 250mb

. The maximum bandwidth per month is 10gb, that means that if you had a full cloud of 25gb it would take you 3 months to download everything.

. Does not support multiple versions of a file, for example you cannot see previous edits of a document
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Edited by Redvillage65, 21 May 2023
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  1. brownfox90's avatar
    doesn't look like you need to sign on using a 'business email' however there is a 250 mb per file upload limit on the free Tier which might be a deal breaker for some

    for 30G all you have to do is to sign up on Box using Mobile ( IOS / Android )
  2. Master_Mind's avatar
    My backup plan failed as some are above 250mb. ( I just read the above comment! )

    50144679-J9TjT.jpg (edited)
  3. Redvillage65's avatar
    Redvillage65 Author
    It is easy to understand why Box is having this promotion, its because it has the world's worst cloud storage name, considering that its competitor is Dropbox.
    Waqq's avatar
    Jokes aside my previous employer used Box and it was pretty good, auto-save to cloud with Word/Excel, ability to lock files and leave internal comments, generate different links with different user-access levels for the same file
  4. bozo007's avatar
    I still have an ancient Box account with 50GB which I got free with a HP TouchPad almost 12 years ago. Happy with it as a plan B. My daily one is Dropbox thanks to its excellent integration with MS Office. (edited)
    furi0n's avatar
    Hee hee, didn’t get green tick for my email address when going through setup process, which made me think I have an existing account. After a password reset and login, I too have 50GB account.
  5. lkbabies's avatar
    I have been using box.net for last 12 years, having 50gb since creation, it’s simple and no ads or any
    other. No sense
    freebiehunter's avatar
    Same. I have the original free 50gb too. I use Dropbox these days but still have a few old backups on box and never any issues over all the years
  6. ZVO4Freedom's avatar
    It gets worse. Not only is the file size limited to 250MB, but there is a 10GB monthly limit so it would take you 3 months to download you data. Don't like companies holding my personal files hostage to extract money from me. Avoid.
    Redvillage65's avatar
    Redvillage65 Author
    You are absolutely right. I actually regret uploading this "deal".
  7. oynedy's avatar
    Looks like gmail/iCloud etc. will automatically default to 25Gb whereas an email through my ISP gives 30Gb despite not being a work address
  8. Mad.ass's avatar
    Toffees76's avatar
    same, unlimited storage
  9. Ukmandude's avatar
    Just got this, thanks.

    nice as a little back up place for basic stuff, but a 250mb upload limit is crazy! I get that they need incentive to make people pay… but come on!
  10. Iru786's avatar
    Same here. Got 30 gb by just signing up using mobile app
  11. fishz's avatar
    Thanks for posting. I tried to register and discovered that I have a 50GB account from 2013 with a bunch of stuff I forgot about! That was a HUGE amount of storage back in those days.
    jujuzeez's avatar
    wow lucky u. wish i did back in the day.
  12. AzeemB's avatar
    I used tutanota to create a free email, using the @tuta.io email option
    this gave me a 30gb space

    hmmm can't seem to verify my account, nothing appears to be clickable in the email box send

    edit edit
    hightlight the email, and the text 'verify email' appears. its like it is in white text. sorted.


    manage to add my personal email address and then changed it to primary, 30gb remains

    does the download limit refer to accessing from your own personal account or just shared links?
    this link would mean i could download all my files if i need to?

    Box generally measures bandwidth usage based on two primary criteria:downloads from open access shared linksuploads and downloads by an individualActivities that affect bandwidth and monthly limitations include:
    • Downloads from a shared link . Limitations:
      • Individual free account: 10 GB per month*
      • Personal Pro and Box Business Accounts: 2 TB per calendar month, per person*
      • Bandwidth counts against the usage of the file owner, regardless of whether the owner creates the shared link.
      • All downloads from any public shared link count towards the bandwidth limit. You can reach this limit quickly, depending on several factors:
        • the size of the files being shared
        • the frequency of downloads,
        • file format (GIF, FLV, MP3, and so on)
    *However, this limit does not apply to:
    - Downloads from within an account by the content owner
    - Downloads by collaborators while logged in to their account
    • Files uploaded and downloaded. Limitation:
      • 1TB per user per month for all plans (based on the person who uploads and/or downloads the file).
    Redvillage65's avatar
    Redvillage65 Author
    I have tried this method and it definitely works. I can't believe it has taken this long for someone to present instructions on how to get 30gb thank you.
  13. DealHugger's avatar
    Is BOX even any good?
  14. king464's avatar
    Box vs Dropbox ?
    gen271674's avatar
    Onedrive for me
  15. mrBrian's avatar
    I just signed up on the app and got 30GB without doing anything else. No business email mentioned.
    Redvillage65's avatar
    Redvillage65 Author
    What did you do differently from everyone else?
  16. sattie_c's avatar
    I only got 25gb with individual email
  17. JustWaitingForAMate's avatar
    I signed up using a personal email and received 25gb. Doubt I'll use it but can't turn down free storage! Nice one
    jujuzeez's avatar
    me too lol
  18. jujuzeez's avatar
    I goofed. didn't sign up using the mobile app. stuck with the 10gb plan and I don't want to use another email address to grab the deal. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 🙈
  19. OsamaBeenSaven's avatar
    I'd consider using a VPN getting Google One - may work out cheaper and includes other benefits
    jujuzeez's avatar
    this offer is free. u have to subscribe for Google one to get vpn and other benefits
  20. LoveTV's avatar
    Not sure about the 250MB file limit, means there are no semi large videos. How many devices can we use to sync?
  21. rimalpatel007's avatar
    Can this be used to back up photos from an iPhone?
    jujuzeez's avatar
  22. Purist's avatar
    Got 25GB with gmail! ☹️
    jujuzeez's avatar
    think u can only get 30gb from custom emails not popular, public ones like Gmail, iCloud, outlook
  23. ZVO4Freedom's avatar
    idrive give you 4TB for <£4 for the first year.
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