Unfortunately, this deal has expired 24 September 2023.
Posted 22 September 2023

2 Direct Return Flights From Liverpool to Rovaniemi (Finland), e.g. November 6th to 18th, via Ryanair

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☃️🎄🎁🎅 Rovaniemi 🎅🎁🎄☃️

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Language: English ⚠️
Country/Region: Saudi Arabia ⚠️
Currency: £GBP⚠️

The destination

Rovaniemi, located in northern Finland, lies within the Arctic Circle, making it an ideal spot to witness the mesmerizing Northern Lights. Notable landmarks in the city include the Santa Claus Village, Arktikum Science Museum, Rovaniemi Church, and the Jätkänkynttilä Bridge. The most popular monument in Rovaniemi is the Arctic Circle line, where you can cross into the Arctic Circle and receive a certificate to commemorate your visit.

The flights

november 6 to 18 (£30)
november 6 to 11 (£33)
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Edited by a community support team member, 23 September 2023
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  1. GlentoranMark's avatar
    Great price but there's no way you could spend 12 days in the town/ city. Apart from Santa's village, there's nothing in the place. 1-2 days maximum. I seem myself wandering around the city looking at bridges when I was there - and I had a reason as my footy team where playing in the Cup Winners Cup at the time. Apart from the match, seeing Santa was my highlight
    johnnystorm's avatar
    Loads to do in Rovaniemi aside from Santa. Dog-sledding, walking or fat biking on the frozen rivers and forests, Arctic animal zoo, ski centre, ice skating, snow mobiles...
  2. marius.jean's avatar
    I often posted deals for Rovaniemi, but this one beats all previous prices i've seen.
  3. wilburscoville9191's avatar
    Great price but just don't expect it to have snow on the ground like the photos show, because often it doesn't at that time of year. Voted hot.
    Leximus_Prime's avatar
    When is best? Would late Jan to early Mar be good?
  4. Shab99's avatar
    What is the relevance of choosing Saudi Arabia?
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