Unfortunately, this deal has expired 16 April 2023.
Posted 12 March 2023

Lidl Tin of Sardines in Tomato Sauce 125g - 32p at Lidl

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Not a bad price for a 125g tin of sardines in tomato sauce from Lidl, each, 25.6p/100g.
Aldi is selling 125g tin for £0.45.
Asda is selling 120g tin for £0.39
Tesco is selling 120g tin for £0.35
Lidl More details at
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Edited by a community support team member, 12 March 2023
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  1. Birkybird's avatar
    Good cheap source of protein & fish oil, drain off excess sauce & mix into mashed potato form into patties & coat in flour and fry. 😋
    olivermaltby's avatar
    Do these have bones in? I feel like sardines have bones in them? I think. What do you do?
  2. rudey_valentino's avatar
    Sardines are incredibly nutritious. For just one tin of Atlantic sardines (3.75 ounces, at about 191 calories), you get about 23g of protein, 10.53g of healthy fats (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), as well as vitamin D and tons of vitamin B12, not to mention a long list of other vitamins and minerals.
  3. powerbrick's avatar
    lovely on a nice piece of toast, same with Pilchards
    PaulandPam's avatar
    Pilchards or Sardines on toast are both nice but Mackerel is my favourite.
    A bit of useless trivia information Sardines & Pilchards are the same fish Latin name Sardina pilchardus (Pilchards are just larger older Sardines) (edited)
  4. Waterheron's avatar
    If you decide to stock up on Lidl's sardines at 32p a tin - here's a guide of 10 different ways to serve sardines on toast. . delishably.com/mea…ast
    sequeezer's avatar
    The two sides of this site: 1) where are all the 75” TVs for under £5k? I would like an extra one for my hallway. And 2) 10 different ways to survive with sardines on toast for 32p a can.
  5. themachman's avatar
    Has anyone tried these Lidl sardines?
    I bought a can of red salmon from there, never again. It was horrible. Looked like loads of small salmon were used and they tasted awful.
    Waterheron's avatar
    Bad luck on the salmon. I’ve purchased Lidli tin sardines in tomato sauce and prefer them to those from Tesco and Aldi. And with the rising cost of food, to see these Lidl sardines drop in price will hopefully help families with a nutritious meal. Of course fresh sardines from a fishmonger are tastier and I do buy them fresh on occasion but more expensive. Hope that helps.(y)
  6. k9plus1's avatar
    Brown some onions and garlic in a pan, add freshly cut red chillis, and a couple of tins or sardines in tomato sauce, add tomato ketchup or tomato puree for extra tomato taste and finish off with a squeeze of lemon/lime juice.

    don't stir too much otherwise fish breaks up .
    Monaco.Blue's avatar
    A delish staple.
  7. Sutats's avatar
    No dice. Scanning at 46p in Lidl.
    welshblob's avatar
    Looked at them in my lidl this evening and also 46p
  8. susie123456's avatar
    Great for your dogs coat
    TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    I find that after the first can, the coat is disgusting, and there is never enough to rub into the tail
  9. R..Daneel.Olivav's avatar
    Love the metallic taste of mercury at the morning...
    FlyGuyMyEye's avatar
    That's Tuna and fish higher up the food chain. Not an issue with sardines
  10. measures's avatar
    Fab thanks, time to restock for the woofer
    hotukdealsMD's avatar
    Check the salt content. The ones in oil have less salt and even then it is high so a once a week treat I’d say
  11. JustaSingh's avatar
    A pinch of fennel seeds works well with sardines (tomato sauce or plain ones where you can add pesto)

    If you wanna go full on.. search for 'Pasta con le sarde' it's a sicilian staple
    Waterheron's avatar
    I did the search. There are a few great videos of Italian cooks with their version - "pasta con le sarde" using fresh fennel too. Looks delicious! Thanks!
  12. Da3s0n's avatar
    This place is mad. 3p saving on a frickin tin of fish and people have gone mad for it
    dlo247's avatar
    3p? More like 15p at least. I buy in bulk and it adds up. In fairness I buy from Aldi as it's been better than Lidl but still went up about 15p per tin this year (edited)
  13. Glasshalfsmashed58's avatar
    Never had them. Are tinned sardines similar to tinned mackerel?
    Birkybird's avatar
    I’m not a connoisseur but I find them very similar.
  14. JoeSpur's avatar
    Good price and can also stock up as they are long life!

    Heat added!  
    calculatoreurope's avatar
    I'm pretty sure they're dead mate
  15. themachman's avatar
    Sardines on toast, can't be beaten!
    Waterheron's avatar
    Yes, a family favourite.
  16. weeZl's avatar
    The level of pollution in the world today is becoming intolerable.
    Only the other day I opened a can of sardines to find it was full of oil and all the fish were dead.
  17. tek-monkey's avatar
    Good deal, these have crept up steadily over the last year.
  18. mel1408's avatar
    Any fish in tomato sauce is a no no for me, in brine every time 
  19. john.coote's avatar
    Great mashed up on a jacket spud
  20. brooky's avatar
    125g is actually quite a large tin

    I’ll get my coat….
  21. imisswoolworth's avatar
    Many thnaks for sharing. I buy Azdaz economy ones @39p but will be stocking up on these. We are to eat 2 portions of oily fish per week.
    Waterheron's avatar
    Glad it's helpful!
  22. rudey_valentino's avatar
    Paid 39p in Farm foods a few days ago
    Great source of protein
    C.D's avatar
    Farmfoods - I paid £1.00 for two cans a few weeks ago thinking it was mackerel I was buying,. Got home and opened the tin and got a bit of a supprise, ended up leaving them as they seemed a bit fishy
  23. GunMetal's avatar
    I thought Tesco Value was back from the packaging colours
  24. terriertom's avatar
    Very tasty with some fava beans and a nice chianti
  25. jinkssick's avatar
    Over hot rice yum
  26. john.coote's avatar
    Tesco are v cheap on these 38p I think
    Waterheron's avatar
    Tesco sardines in tomato sauce have dropped in price - now 35p for a 120g tin. But Lidl's is even lower at 32p for a bit more with a 125g tin
  27. xxbluedragonxx's avatar
    Great in pizza with pineapple
    Waterheron's avatar
    I will try this.
  28. dlo247's avatar
    finally gone down, finally.
  29. scoundr3l's avatar
    Great find, I am actually about to send a barrell of stuff back to some relatives in what is pretyty much a 3rd world country still. This will be a lovely treat!
  30. commonman100's avatar
    46p in store today
  31. TristanDeCoonha's avatar
    Although to be truly boring, we need the sardines to sauce ratio so as to better judge if it is a deal.
    Then how much of the sauce is tomatoes, as this may help in a tie
    ImaENTP's avatar
    Bet you are fun at party's.
  32. McFaddy526's avatar
    That's mother's day sorted then
  33. Auditgal's avatar
    Not available in my local Lidl in Cardiff
  34. anaxom's avatar
    Not in my local unfortunately.
  35. Mr_Troy's avatar
    Isn't it always this price? I buy this for the dogs every week
    Waterheron's avatar
    The prices increased the last months to .45p or .49p a tin at other supermarkets. They have now dropped in price at some places. Lidl has the best deal. I buy them for me as a healthy option. Read through some of the 70 great comments for more helpful details.
  36. costas_moysi's avatar
    I usually have this mashed into instant noodles..works a treat.
  37. Donaldson8307's avatar
    46p now
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