Unfortunately, this deal has expired 25 May 2023.
Posted 26 March 2023

1 Months Unlimited Train Travel In Germany For 49 EUR / £43.75 via Deutsche Bahn

Southerndealfinder's avatar
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Unlimited Travel on most travel methods in Germany for £1.41 a day

Think the idea behind this is to Improve tourism in Germany from May 1st 2023 to the end of January 2024. Such a shame we don't have visionaries with half a brain closer to home

To add to this, it's not just the regional trains run by Deutsche Bahn that are included but also those run by most other operators, e.g. the ODEG trains from Berlin to the Baltic Sea.

I believe as well what's really brilliant is that local buses/trams/subways are also included so it's truly door-to-door and you don't lose any brain cells trying to make sense of the various ticket machines...

The Deutschlandticket is set for release starting in May 2023 and will be available for purchase until 31st December of the same year. Great way to lose a few days at Oktoberfest in Munich.

It can be used for unlimited travel within the country, on any regional train, any day of the week, including holidays.

This new ticket will be available for purchase online, offering both locals and visitors a fantastic cost effective option for enjoying trips around Germany.

The 49 euro ticket will be available to anyone travelling within Germany. All travellers must have an account with the corresponding German railway apps i.e Deutsche Bahn, MVG, BVG etc… and a valid bank account tied for the monthly cost debit to be eligible for the ticket.
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Edited by Southerndealfinder, 27 March 2023
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  1. jsd74's avatar
    Why aren't we kicking off like the French over UK railways, NHS, pay rises, covid profiteering, increasing inequality, pot holed roads, government corruption and cronyism, crime, disorder and police corruption etc etc
    Lokomokos's avatar
    What have the French achieved by kicking off?
  2. skyebluebirch's avatar
    Makes the UK look like a complete joke
    Anewchange's avatar
    It is, their drivers are paid much less than ours too. Ours is essentially a corrupt public service where everyone wins except the passengers
  3. mrdeeznutz's avatar
    It's not about tourism. It's to make public rail more affordable/attractive. Was there during their 9eur trial. Worked but was overcrowded. Should be very reasonable now.
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Bit of both I think, they have realised they need to get people moving again, both local and Tourism and I think they are right. The UK has a huge tourism industry and apparently since Covid less people using the trains, so what would you do?
  4. phunkz's avatar
    To be very clear, this excludes all IC & ICE (InterCity & InterCityExpress) trains which are used for longer distances. Yes, you could travel from Berlin to Munich in one day using local transport (S&U - Bahn, Regional, RegioExpress, Bus, Trams..) but, you need to budget in a lot more time for it. Using these routes would take 9 - 11 hours not using the ICE (with ICE it's 4 or 5), so just beware.

    If you do want to explore Germany this way using the Deutschland Ticket, then you can also download the DB Navigator App, and search your origin and destination, and exclude ICE & IC trains and it will plan a route for you... so this takes some of the guesswork out of it.
  5. motionwerk's avatar
    They earn annualy around £4000 on average more than us, they pay less for transport, energy is cheaper, health service is functioning, but..., we have blue passports.
    jasper132's avatar
    They pay shed loads for health insurance though!!
  6. 17_Canberra's avatar
    Travel to Brussels on Eurostar then onto Liege, Brussels to Liege is free as long as you state that destination when purchasing, from there it's a short hop to Aachen and your on the German network. (edited)
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Very good information
  7. depondo's avatar
    Subsidised by UK train customers
    Anewchange's avatar
    That's our fault. Not theirs
  8. C130Seb's avatar
    I wondered how much the equivalent ticket would be in this country. The answer is £1636/~€1862 for two 14-day All Line Rovers.
    barnehurst's avatar
    £1600 for the equivalent of £43 that's how we take back control...
  9. MS644's avatar
    To add to this, it's not just the regional trains run by Deutsche Bahn that are included but also those run by most other operators, e.g. the ODEG trains from Berlin to the Baltic Sea. However, purely touristic trains, say the steam train to the top of Brocken mountain, are excluded. What's really brilliant is that local busses/trams/subways are also included so it's truly door-to-door and you don't lose any brain cells trying to make sense of the various ticket machines...
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Brilliant can I add this to the deal?
  10. Ivandelsur's avatar
    Can this be used in August to and any type of train? Thank you very much

    Long distance trains; ICs, ICEs and ECs
    it says those are not included but I'm not sure what it means. Can I travel from hamburg to Munich for example? (edited)
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    No its not for the Long distance trains; ICs, ICEs and ECs

    There are lots of other trains for long distance which aren't much slower and ARE ontime

    Yes August is fine its a monthly deal from 1st May to 31st December (edited)
  11. AleF's avatar
    There's still no confirmation this will be available for people not resident in Germany as it'll be a subscription
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Yes It is open to anyone travelling in Germany. They ran it last year too. I hope they run in next year for the Euros 2024 next year too!!
  12. Nippy44's avatar
    Remember, most British train companies are owned by foreign rail companies. UK passengers subside schemes like this.
    M_z's avatar
    Not dissimilar to the water companies that make sure their shareholders and board are doing ok, whilst letting sewerage into our rivers because building the required infrastructure would be unprofitable. (edited)
  13. jungleboy123's avatar
    you know this annoys me when i can get a ryanair flight, pay for this train ticket and be better off than popping into London for a return journey...... How are we going to hit our net zero 2050 target if the cost of train is extortionate?
    Sephiroth's avatar
    Short answer... we won't.

    I recently had to fly from Luton airport and I live near Newcastle. Solo trip. I looked at the train prices to get me there and it worked out to be slightly more expensive than paying for the diesel to get me there and 10 days of parking near the airport. Why would I ever use a train? The comfort and convenience of using my own vehicle and knowing there's no risk of a strike on the day is worth a lot on its own.

    For me to use a train, the prices need to be at least 2/3 the cost of driving it. Most of the time the cost is higher.
  14. iDealYou's avatar
    Public transport, healthcare & water should never be left at the mercy of shareholders.
    turbo_c's avatar
    Don't forget energy
  15. Sliwka's avatar
    Is there any showers there? Are they serving breakfast too?
    MK91's avatar
    Think you may be confusing this with a hotel
  16. hotdealsuk1973's avatar
    i'd love to ask a member of the government why germany can do this but we can't

    our train network isn't even fit for purpose hasn't been for decades
    supermann's avatar
    Well it certainly doesn't help how they removed so much public subsidy from the railways when they went on their austerity drive post 2010.
  17. za_jarro's avatar
    The uk version of this would be £1999
    harmageddon's avatar
    With loads of restrictions added on top
  18. _Achilles_'s avatar
    Why are we posting other country offers on Hot UK deals?
    deleted2800374's avatar
    To show how awful the UK is?
  19. Nav_A20's avatar
    Train travel in the uk is for the rich and well off. Train travel should be cheaper than the bus especially when they are banging on about C02 all the time. (edited)
    Gkains's avatar
    Buses are usually subsidised by local councils but that means they do routes which make little sense if you want the end points. Guess the councils do not want to subsides routes you could get the train for.

    Speaking of buses, they seem to do rail replacement services much better than here. What I noticed when they were upgrading a mountain line that DB (or the regional equivelent) would run different replacement buses - one stopper covering all the stop on the line and (please take note Network Rail and all the UK TOCs) and one express end stop to end stop. Huge time difference between the two. Here they never do that even if - like this weekend - half the line from London to Brighton was having works. Replacement bus was Three Bridges to Brighton but while probably 90% of passengers wanted Brighton the replacement buses all went over ever stop along the way - if the took the A23 the whole way the bus journey would not be such a chore.
  20. Diogenes007's avatar
    After the reductions in scope should HS2 be renamed HS1.75 (or HS1 & 3/4s for the Brexiteers).....?
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    very good
  21. Boxrick's avatar
    In the UK train prices go up yearly by more than inflation, services cancelled and cut, companies rewarded and constant strikes from crap pay.

    Meanwhile we drop tax on domestic flights pushing rail onto planes. Then drop fuel duty costing us another 10 billion a year to subsidise drivers when fuel prices have dropped dramatically over the past months. Well played... (edited)
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Totally Agree seems to be not a small level of contradiction here !!!!
  22. Diogenes007's avatar
    I wish UK railways were run by a single not for profit organisation or even possibly subsidised.
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Has to be subsidised but I agree
  23. roehampton's avatar
    Well I guess in the UK the Government wants you to be planet friendly but they also want to profit from it and somehow it doesn't work.
  24. bignallm's avatar
    When I see a post like this I’m so ecstatic that I pay £448 a month for my train ticket……..
    Anewchange's avatar
    And it will be even more next year haha
  25. Richard_Jones73's avatar
    Did the 9 euro Deutsche barne rail ticket last year, what an eye opener
    mrdeeznutz's avatar
    Felt like I was in mumbai at times
  26. OLDSKOOL's avatar
    Tempted to go and live on a german train for a month
    motionwerk's avatar
    Do it in December, you will save fortune on heating.
  27. lee19285's avatar
    UK comparisons aside, that's a great deal. Great for touring!
  28. t3r4's avatar
    Practical notes:

    This is a subscription so you will need to remember to cancel if you make use of it.

    It also runs per calendar month. So to make best value use your trip will need to not run over the end of the month or you will need to pay for 2 months worth...
  29. fubuki81's avatar
    Public transport is expensive so it's much cheaper to get taxi from Stansted to west London than using trains. Taxi/uber for 4 people 100£. Stansted express 80£ and 20£+ for tube and buses.
  30. rudey_valentino's avatar
    Please stop making excuses for U.K... we are all getting robbed every day.." in the shops on the roads and even on the Beaches"
  31. rudey_valentino's avatar
    You would #Never get that in UK
  32. superbob2000's avatar
    1988dave's avatar
    You joking right? Hoe much tax you want us pay? Next you will saying everyone isnt paying enough road tax to get potholes filled etc.... The easy explanation is.. Our corrupt government spaff every single penny up the wall in waste... Then want more (edited)
  33. sobers90's avatar
    From a travel video I saw online when they ran their cheap service last time the railways looked a bit overwhelmed with delays and cancellations occuring.
  34. alexjames2320's avatar
    I spoke to my cousin that lives in Germany and he said that this will become permanent in Germany, if it's true then we are living in a joke system.
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    Time to marry a European woman and move there He/His
  35. deleted2800374's avatar
    The best UK Deal on trains would be to get hit by one!
  36. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    The Germans are having strikes too.

    So half of the comments on here are now a bit silly

    Today, staff at airports, ports, railways, buses and subways now on strike in Germany.
    Southerndealfinder's avatar
    I refer you to the above comment,

    Doesn't start till 1st May 2023, reckon it will be sorted by then.

    Its a 24 Hour strike on the Trains so even it it was valid for now there are 29 days of even April 2023 left (edited)
  37. Tatwamasi's avatar
    Costs me more to get to work for one day peak time. UK train fares are ridiculous. No wonder everyone who can works from home. (edited)
  38. mastercruzer's avatar
    Damn....it cost me £50 for a day return to London....and I live just outside London. (edited)
  39. MrBook's avatar
    It's a shame our country won't do this.
    It would've been great.
    Everything go private, and that will solve all our problems.
    Or, will it?

    How about just managing our public services such as the NHS better?
    Rather than portraying them in the light of "Save the NHS".
    Public services are the responsibility of the government to manage and operate properly.
    They shouldn't be poorly run and then the public is fooled to think that they are somehow responsible to "Save the NHS".
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