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Posted 16 April 2024

Beavertown x Open Up with CALM is uniting the UK against suicide (Selected locations) with FREE Crisps to help people talk

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A difficult subject for many, there is help out there < 3 no purchase required.

OPEN UP: Crisps for Conversations
Did you know that over half of adults in the UK have pretended to be ‘okay’ to avoid talking about their own mental health? And we get it, it’s not easy. Which is why we’ve teamed once again with our friends at Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) to try and help. And the answer, like the answer to so many things in life, is: Crisps.

Combining the well known British pub tradition of tearing open a pack of pub snacks to share for the table, we’ve created a packet of delicious Cheese & Jalapeno crisps (with a twist) designed to spark meaningful conversations with every tear of the packet.

Printed inside are a series of conversation starters designed by CALM to get you to OPEN UP to your mates. Hence the name.

Be prepared for a.) A taste sensation and b.) Surprisingly deep and meaningful conversations with your mates over a pint.

Available in participating pubs every Monday to Wednesday for the next month (See link for locations)

Beavertown Brewery More details at

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Edited by Dan_82, 16 April 2024
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  1. Hello_Michael's avatar
    Alcohol is one of the worst things to do if you're feeling depressed, especially suicidal.
    face-crab's avatar
    You don't have to be clinically depressed to benefit from having a chat with your pals though. This probably isn't saying "Hey, feeling down? Go have a pint down the pub!", I believe the tone is more like "People, especially guys, don't have enough opportunities to talk about mental health. So here's a conversation starter that gets people thinking and talking about it".
    And even people who are doing it wrong by being depressed down the pub still deserve to be reached and perhaps more so than those that aren't there so try not to judge too harshly.
  2. Confused_Pigeon's avatar
    Bóbr yapirdole!
  3. DealHunterChaos's avatar
    I think all the negitive comments are missing the point. There are lots of people who already drink beer and eat crisps, who don't talk about their mental health, that this campaign is aimed at.

    Giving away free meditation booklets and kale smoothies may not appeal to the beer and chrisp eaters.

    Different courses for different horses.
  4. Manya1983's avatar
    Agree with many of the comments. This is very tone deaf.

    Support a charity for testicular cancer etc if you really want to show you care but an alcohol brand supporting mental awareness just don’t seem right.
    doppo666's avatar
    Exactly this, it’s being the good guy whilst profiting from the good deed and getting people in pubs too hopefully buy there drink with the crisps, only Monday to Wednesday mind, Thursday to Sunday people don’t have mental health problems! (edited)
  5. John.Host's avatar
    Alcohol!! A depressive for the prevention of suicide???!!
    NibblyPig's avatar
    Why not, alcohol is fantastic for being able to unwind and let your stress out. A pint and a rant with a mate is so cathartic. I'd go nuts if I couldn't have a drink now and then and just complain about my job and life problems. I ain't doing that over brunch!
  6. Cheeky_Chap's avatar
    Well someone needs to get the conversation started so....
    I think it's a nice touch having suggestions for conversation starters on the inside.(where were they when I needed them!)
    But don't forget people, it's rude to talk with your mouth full!
  7. koimaster's avatar
    Most men who commit suicide have alcohol in their blood at the time. The hypocrisy of an alcohol company doing this for publicity makes my blood boil.
    fozzeh's avatar
    Whilst I don't disagree with what you're saying, I think this is a much different message their trying to get across Rachel Riley.
  8. thisismark's avatar
    Nice touch Beavertown, love the Gamma Ray (edited)
    fozzeh's avatar
    My local does Neck Oil which is nice... but they charge £6 a pint... up north!!!!!
  9. stoufer_the_cat's avatar
    Over eight quid for a neck oil in London, now that is depressing
  10. kapil.paul's avatar
    what r we getting?
  11. DanTheHam's avatar
    Processed foods and alcohol are both known to cause mood instabilities and worsen energy levels
    long-time-lurker's avatar
    All processed foods are bad for real. I remember watching a health expert rip apart diet coke... I don't drink any fizzy drinks casually... Only if I have the odd spiced rum.

    No extent of marketing will make me believe it's good for you but I also understand the lesser of two evils (edited)
  12. Spider_Boy's avatar
    I get alcohol is a depressant but it's nothing compared to reading the comments on here from those sat in their armchairs criticising those who try do good (i.e CALM)
  13. OptimusPrimeval's avatar
  14. vixtagirl's avatar
    I love this
  15. ebury's avatar
    Free crisps with a beer purchased Got to love marketing in the name of mental health!!
  16. John_454's avatar
    laughing at the idea of forcing a mate to get drunk with me while I vomit up problems and his face turns increasingly stony, while we eat disgusting-sounding crisps. They should sponsor subsidised therapy in this climate, in all seriousness the "just talk about it" thing is dangerous because you get untrained randos thinking they are Freud in every pub nowadays.
    fozzeh's avatar
    That sounds like a "you" problem if you can't drink without getting drunk
  17. budda's avatar
    Looking at the deal images - there's alcohol free options too - so no need to get on the soap box about alcoholic drinks people!
  18. Kopite211's avatar
    Fair play. This is very commendable.
  19. CoolGeezer's avatar
    I'm confused how would one claim this? Just walk Into a pub a d ask for the crisps Open Up?
  20. Muig1972's avatar
    I find that beer helps me blot out all my problems- is that what this is about?
  21. terriertom's avatar
    Based on the message of this promotion if only Kurt Cobain had been offered a pint and a bag of cheese and onion he would have changed his tragic plan thirty years ago this month.
  22. blackpoolfan's avatar
    All very commendable but it’s assuming that everyone has ‘mates’ and goes to a pub. Many with mental health problems may not actually fit in with that category and may just be sitting and suffering at home, not the type of person who finds it remotely easy to either make friends or go out to a pub to meet people.
    TheTain's avatar
    I don't think these are trying to fix all kinds of mental health issues, loneliness, or suicide. They're offering another way in for some people.
  23. finsburyjames's avatar
    Whilst a lot of what is said about alcohol being a depressant is true.
    it is also true alcohol helps people open up, talk and socialize (though sometimes this of course goes tits up )
    its a nice touch to help people open up but not really "suicide prevention" per se? Dr Beer cures many ailments (in the short term)
    But in the case of feeling suicidal the samaritans or A&E would perhaps be a better choice.
    apart from the lack of free crisps (edited)
  24. Mobb_Deep's avatar
    Beer for Suicidal People whilst telling them to open up is going to give them a mental breakout or send them into Alcoholicism

    I know we aren't a progressive country but if we are more open to drugs they'll be things like free Blue Punisher, 🍄and 🐴 what can actually heal depression not. Depressant as a depressed person there's nothing worse than waking up after drinking as you just feel your body and skin feels horrible and dehydrated
    You no longer feel loose and your anxiety and depression is back
  25. tommytbone1's avatar
    It'd be better as a beer mat. All would see on all days of the week (edited)
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