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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS5) for £29.99 @ Playstation Store

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An amazing game. For some reason this games is still selling for more than £35 everywhere else. Grab a bargain.
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  1. Wortho's avatar
    Oh didn't know this was on ps5, I own the PS4 copy and never played it. Take it it's a free upgrade then? Nice!
    Dantonir's avatar
    There's no PS5 version or update to my knowledge. It ran with an unlocked framerate on PS4 Pro at checkerboard 1800p. It's a consistent 60fps using PS5 backwards compatibility.
  2. victor.nk's avatar
    Roughly 8 quid on the Turkish PSN for game of the year edition, PS5!
    adamstockley92's avatar
    Thanks for the heads up! Bargain!
  3. Em-Pop's avatar
    There is no PS5 version, it runs PS4 Pro code so the title is misleading.
  4. TN567's avatar
    50337655-hdijn.jpgThis is an amazing game, love the souls games and loved elden ring, this was different but in no way worse, it's absolute quality. The smaller "map" was a big plus for me. Once you get that deflect mechanic going it's an brilliant. Just 100 percented it on Xbox a few months back (edited)
    Jack_Wayne's avatar
    Jack_Wayne Author
    It's definitely not a souls game but the rhythmic combat is just bl**dy brilliant. It took me two playthroughs for this game to actually click, but once it does it's addictive.
  5. HotDan's avatar
    Truly incredible game. Don't forget to set to Japanese and subtitles.
  6. Ayaan_Kamil's avatar
    Just bought this, player bloodborne and elden before it and its definitely a learning curve. Still seems like an amazing game, but definitely isnt the same feel of the other souls games, at least not in terms of gameplay.
    whatcanibuy's avatar
    Yes very different, took a long time to get use to the last boss is also insane it's like 5 bossed straight after each other.
  7. BigBoots's avatar
    Brilliant, brilliant game.
  8. KatsudonVince's avatar
    The game comes with unlimited dying feature.
    Jack_Wayne's avatar
    Jack_Wayne Author
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