Amazon won’t let me return Try Before You Buy items

Posted 12th Jul 2023
Hi, please can I have some advice? As I am so angry!

I ordered two pairs of trainers using Amazon’s Try Before You Buy and needed to confirm if I was keeping or returning them by 5th and as they didn’t fit I selected an Amazon Locker that I would return them to. I realised I wouldn’t be able to go to the locker by the date specified afterwards and as today is the last day to return I tried to cancel the return and generate a new returns label so I could drop them off.

However, I couldn’t despite following the chat bot’s advice and on live chat the associate said she’d cancel the previous returns label so I could generate a new one to return them today… that didn’t work and after 2 hours of live chat and a phone call all Amazon have said is that they can’t generate a new label for me and the only option is for me to access the old one - which I can’t! - so they were incredibly rude and said they can’t do anything so I have to keep the items totalling £150!

What can I do? I have the whole live chat screen shotted as evidence so they can see it was their associate who cancelled the return label so the onus should be on them to fix it and I recorded the bulk of the phone call too. It is their fault as there should be a way of generating a new label for me. Do I wait for the £150 to be taken and do a chargeback on my Amex? Do I complain to Trading Standards? Is there an easier way of being able to return these items so I get the refund!?
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  1. aLV426's avatar
    "I selected an Amazon Locker that I would return them to. I realised I wouldn’t be able to go to the locker by the date specified afterwards"
    That sounds like you have created the problem and it does sound like you will struggle to have the issue resolved. Let us know the outcome though.
    JustBringIt's avatar
    It displayed the date after me confirming - I wouldn’t have chosen it if it said the date at the prior stage. And I’ve had a previous Locker item a year or so ago where I’ve been able to generate a new returns label as the displayed date wasn’t feasible.
  2. JustBringIt's avatar
    Finally sorted thanks to a call agent in the Caribbean! That’s 3 hours I’ll never get back but at least I can return them and get my money back. Thank you to those who tried helping on here. 
    aLV426's avatar
    Ugh - 3 hours!?
  3. RootBeerFloat's avatar
    Just return them as part of their usual returns policy, not TBYB.
    JustBringIt's avatar
    I can’t as there’s no return option appearing for either pair of trainers. Only gives me options for download invoice, track shipment or buy again. (edited)
  4. jco83's avatar
    Will you just go to a shoe shop in future
  5.'s avatar
    You're just going to have to keep trying until you get an agent who can assist. That or email the complaints/ceo office.

    If you do a chargeback without returning the goods, then that'll be fraud, and regardless, Amazon will ban your account.
    JustBringIt's avatar
    Finally sorted!! After about 3 hours of live chat and calls 
  6. s100nko's avatar
    Many times I have accessed the locker after the date. Sometimes even a week later. They keep the locker for you for this day but if there are enough empty lockers you can use it after recommended date
    JustBringIt's avatar
    The issue is I can’t access the label in my account and neither can they… it wasn’t even emailed to me I could only previously access it in my account under orders but since the associate said they cancelled it to try and generate a new one it’s no longer there (edited)
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