Fatty liver and cirrhosis thread

Posted 8th Feb 2023
I had fatty liver five years ago. I got rid of it six months later. Alcohol and diet. I made changes but last year I got back into old ways. The cruise I went on back in October really done it. Thanks HUKDs. Dirt cheap and a 15 night drink package for £60! Food and drink galore. Then the World Cup afterwards. Yes, no self discipline during those two. Now suffering for two months. Fatty liver is back and possible cirrhosis. Bad news.

Anyway self inflicted, anyone out there with one or *dread the thought* the other.
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  1. nandy's avatar
    Did you have a lot of pain ?. I've just been told I have a fatty liver and have pain 24/7, upper right side. Non drinker.
    xenophon's avatar
    No, more a dull ache that would be present most of the time. Sometimes a twinge.
  2. BigBoss85's avatar
    I very much doubt you got rid of the fatty liver in 6 months. It takes years and years and a bad diet for your liver to get to such a state and you can't fix it overnight or in 6 months. It's gonna take years to fix with a good diet.

    And these liver detox drinks you see advertised are not gonna work overnight either. Damage was done over years and will take years to repair.
    xenophon's avatar
    I had ultrasound and they found my right lobe was quite fatty. 6 months later I had an ultrasound and was told it had gone. Whether it had gone completely...
  3. PS5's avatar
    Cheers OP. You have given me a reminder to eat healthier (I have just returned from the chip shop).
    xenophon's avatar
    Don't forget to put some broccoli with it. That was my healthy eating.
  4. yozzman1234's avatar
    I have Familial hypercholesterolemia . Means my liver struggles to kick the cholesterol out . Found out when I was 39 because of a fatty liver and lots of tests . I take statins and few other meds to keep my Cholesterol to 2.5 .
    It would normally take a few years to repair your liver . Maybe not 6 months .
    I have slightly changed my diet lol . But I get monitored now
  5. Wongy111's avatar
    Much the same here mate

    Bad boy
    xenophon's avatar
    Wongy, you got the same thing from eating too many Bombay Bad Boys. This site will kill us.
  6. Wongy111's avatar
    been checked out and fine here

    xenophon's avatar
    I forgot to mention I had an ultrasound last month and they said everything checked out okay. I was rather sceptical of that because I still an ache and itchiness but I've gone through it with my GP and looks like no fatty liver let alone anything more serious. I believe the itchiness is actually a fungus infection that has spread. The ache has gone also.

    So quite shiny happy people here too.
  7. Chiptivo's avatar
    Walk through a Nursing Home and watch really old people being kept alive on pills unable to eat properly, walk, use the toilet and have a near zero quality of life.
    Ask yourself what is important, living a long time, or enjoying living.
    Then don't get too hung up on health, living to an old age shouldn't be the ultimate aim, living should be.
    xenophon's avatar
    Yes, I do agree with that on the whole. People not eating this or drinking that, not even at all, just to prolong their life in a nursing home for an extra 5 years.
  8. Wongy111's avatar
    Got a new TV BTW
  9. Wongy111's avatar
    Not sure I have anything positive to say

    but hi keep at it

    that helps somethimkink i am sure of now

    thought this thread might be my naught step fairly sure it isn't now

  10. Justsuperman's avatar
    What age are you? And do you drink a lot of alcohol? I had been diagnosed with NAFLD in 2020 I absolutely piled on the weight after my mum passed due to lung cancer. I was 13 stone in 2018 now 18 in 2023 but I’ve been 18 stone for 3 years straight I’m 6” in height but still classed as obese. I don’t drink or smoke I guess that is a good thing but diet has been poor (edited)
  11. nandy's avatar
    How are you now ?
    xenophon's avatar
    I was alright up until quite recently but have got the odd twinge there again, although not like before. I think a warning to exercise and eat/drink a bit less as I was slipping. I think the Autumn early dark, cold and drizzly nights have stopped me going on my evening walks as much and turned to grazing in the evenings.

    How are you now? (edited)
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