Can you have too many returns to Amazon?

Posted 7th Jul 2023
I have returned quite a lot of clothing over the summer, and notice you have to give a detailed reason for some returns. Recently one of the items I was going to keep which had the labels still attached dropped in price by about 40%. I sent the back the one that I bought a few weeks ago and ordered the same item at a reduced price. I struggled to find any reason for this in the drop down menu..

So I am wondering if Amazon actually keep an eye on such things and could they take issue with the amount of returns? The way I see things they tend to play musical prices with different sizes of any garment so there is an incentive to keep checking the price. Also, it seems to naturally be the case that most clothing isn't a great fit.
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  1. Mrcrazyman69's avatar
    Yes. They will eventually ban your account. Probably takes quite a lot to do it though..
    Sho_Nuff's avatar
    I'm sure it happened to me on Zalando a few yeats back. At least I have kept some of the shoes I purchased from Amazon.
  2. Mich8ll8's avatar
    Sometimes I need a reason for returning items with Amazon like yesterday but I wouldn’t say I’ve returned enough items for there to be a reason behind it….quite a few companies want a reason when returning items so maybe Amazon has decided to follow the trend!
  3. PS5's avatar
    You mention amazon, then ebay?
    I return way more than I keep and I have had no issues ever..
    But then, I am polite with please and thanks (edited)
    Sho_Nuff's avatar
    Ha ha. I will definitely look out for my manners. They even force you to type comments for certain return reasons in the drop down menu.

    Thanks. Removed the ebay error.
  4. DealJester's avatar
    been banned like 5 times now, thats all you need to know
    rev6's avatar
    What are your ebay usernames?
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