Anybody had twins before?

Posted 29th May 2023
Mine are due in October and working out what we need is so confusing, went into some shops and they just made it worse ha!

I just need a pram and couple of car seats right? What do I need to look out for? I really don't know much about what good brands are and what to avoid as well...

Don't mind spending a bit on good quality stuff if they are gonna last but a bit wary about spending a grand on something if it needs to be changed after a year too!

Thanks for any help
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  1. tcf's avatar
    I misunderstood the question.
    aLV426's avatar
  2. davejb's avatar
    if youre not too proud then have a look on facebook marketplace. babies rapidly outgrow stuff so you can usually find next to new travel systems, pushchairs, carseats, whatever, for a fraction of the cost. icandy is one of the main brands. but best part of £1500 for a twin travel system... ouch..

    just on a side note you say theyre due october... everyone ive known or heard of with twins have tended to have them early... so maybe brace yourself for september or august.... or even july!
  3. MonkeyMan90's avatar
    A travel system pram will be your best choice and I'd highly recommend isofix for your car seats. I wouldn't spend a fortune because when they get to about 12 month old my advice is buy a cheap £30 stroller as the prams for newborns i.e travel systems are just way too bulky (edited)
    Mark_Hickman's avatar
    Surely a new born cant go in a stroller, or are there some types with head support and just leave it leaned back in a lying position ? (edited)
  4. Daffydills's avatar
    we had twins. easier the singles!

    two decent isofix click car seats, ideally ones that have a good age range. however IMO not a travel system! separate twin buggy/pram etc. a 'fixed' system is slightly narrower, more stable, easier to get in boot etc. travel systems we had were annoying round shops so gave up after a month. however click in car seats mean if your on your own you can get in and out of the car quickly when leaving / at home etc. i spent ages just carry the two car seats plus a bag or two of shopping from the car. you toughen up to the weight quickly. you need to decide if your prefer side by side or ontop. we used ontop style with cot-bed style. mainly because you can leave them in it if you've gone for a walk as still flat. car seats are abit bent to nap in for long periods if avoidable. finally solid tyres or put slime in first thing! nothing worse then a flat with two kids to drag back.
  5. snapper's avatar
    A bigger car
    Sparkie23's avatar
  6. Sparkie23's avatar
    Good luck
  7. Rog3r_'s avatar
    For my twins we got an old style pram and they both could lie flat squashed into it. when they were a 9-12 months we got a long buggy, but not side to side, more tandem, side to side is a nightmare to navigate around shops etc.

    Best thing we did was split the night, wife would go bed with eldest at 8pm, I'd stay up with twins until 1-2am, then we would switch, then I'd get up for work 7am. That lasted 6 months, if you are both tired its hell.

    Just get some wireless headphones for TV so you can watch during your shift!
  8. Rizsparky's avatar
    We bought a car seat/travel system bundle and bought ISOFix bases too. It's very easy to clip on the car seats to the pushchair frame and then unclick to put them into the car.

    As they get a little bigger and they require a fixed car seat, I'll probably buy a light side by side buggy instead of bringing a bulky pram with us all the time.
  9. samwants2save's avatar
    With travel system, go for the lightest in weight (baby jogger city series?) Cos with the weight of two growing kids and the car seats/ does mount up. I second the poster suggesting to go for 2nd hand if you don't mind it.. by the time there 9-12months you'll be itching to ditch the bulky travel system and get a lightweight buggy. Less storage space, less bulk, less weight etc. And if you've paid in excess of a grand for the travel system, it'll be a hard task (mentally) to ditch it, so better buying at bargain prices. Don't fret about contamination etc, as everything comes off for a wash.
  10. EQL's avatar
    Long buggy, rather than side-by-side buggy has been suggested after careful observation (presuming you like to take said buggy into shops that have a single-width door).
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