Samsung A32 - Dual/Hybrid Sim to dual Sim + micro sd?

Posted 2nd Aug 2023

I just got a new Sim card to put in my wife's A32 so she can use data cheaper on a holiday. I was about to pop it in and I found the A32 has some hibrid witch craft.. So

Dual Sim cards and *no* micro sd
Single Sim card and micro sd

Her mciro sd card is pretty full, and I suspect trying to work out what apps save to it and what do not is likely to be tedious and time consuming.

I can see you can order replacement spare parts, and some of these look like the one in my A51 which has two Sim slots and a micro sd slot.

Sounds bonkers, but would this work if I just ordered one, or is that intended for a different model A32?

Bit of a niche question I appreciate, however, this forum seems to have quite a lot of mobile phone savvy users so I'm hoping someone might know!

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  1. Mr.Plow's avatar
    What's on the micro sd Does she have a load of photos/vids ? Just wondering if the phone is set to save them to SD rather than phone storage.

    Are you sure any apps actually save to it ?

    If you look in your file explorer (think the Samsung baked in one is called my files) then select the micro SD you'll be able to see what's on it.

    I think the phone has 128gb storage so if that's not full what about moving something on to the phone so you can remove the SD card whilst you go on holiday.
  2. oldskooladdict's avatar
    Storage is 98% full internally, so nothing can be shunted there unless there's a huge purge, I can definitely see pics and videos going to sd, but I think other things like downloads from BBC, 4, library etc.

    At the moment I'm thinking Sim card in passport holder, swap on the plane each way or something. Does mean any messages on the main phone won't.e received thou.

    Also, thinking how WhatsApp will work!
    one_eight_seven's avatar
    What you’re looking to do won’t work - there’s nothing in your wife’s phone to read the third “peripheral” (either the second SIM or the SD card) whereas your phone does.

    You’ll have to do as you say and swap the SIMs around when it’s convenient and WhatsApp **should** work!
  3. oldskooladdict's avatar
    Thanks, I did think it was optimistic, I guess it was 50:50.. A triple tray is made, so, I guess some a32s must have this ability. So, do all of them? But for some reason some only ship with a double? Or, more realistically it ships with a double as there's just contacts for two.
    My a51 triple may fit, just to test!
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