
Posted 7th May 2023
Just wondering if there are any decent rugged android phones out there ?
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  1. theworkingdead's avatar
    Honestly, if you want ruggedness, buy what you want and then get a rugged case.
    All phones are glass bars nowadays lol.
    Dwyer_T's avatar
    Dwyer_T Author
    Aye did that and still managed to smash it the joys of being a mechanic (edited)
  2. JamesB83's avatar
    Ever heard of a phone case and screen protector? (edited)
  3. Somersett's avatar
    "rugged" will usually mean over-priced, under-specced con. Since there is little inside a solid state modern phone to break, without catastrophic damage, then the rugged-isation process would be a special case - the face/display will still be most vulnerable since no matter what the 'screen protector', the touch function still needs to work.

    Apple is the best eco-system for case mods- for obvious reasons. Android phones come in so many different shapes and sizes, with buttons in different positions, it is very hard indeed for a third-party to make a case you desire that would sell.

    Here's a clue for the clueless- the very concept of a modern smartphone is the diametric OPPOSITE of what we'd call an engineered 'rugged' design. Think about it. Instead the user needs to think about treating a modern smartphone sensibly- for instance getting a smash proof CONTAINER for your phone so it is only physically vulnerable when out and in your hand.
  4. innocent's avatar
    There is a new Nokia coming out which is fairly rugged, can't remember the model number.
    Dwyer_T's avatar
    Dwyer_T Author
    Thanks, might have a wee look
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