Passed driving test

Posted 19th Jun 2023
I just passed my driving test today. I understand I have to inform my insurance and they have given me a cost. We have one main driver already and I am the named driver. Is it compulsory to go through the same provider ? Or I can go to some other provider if their cost is high ?
Thanks a lot
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  1. KodaBear's avatar
    You could get temporary cover to drive on from the likes of Veygo or Cuvva if you aren't going to be driving it too much.

    But otherwise getting two policies and double insuring a car is rarely a good idea as it causes a lot of complications.

    If the costs are too high with the current insurer, maybe the policy holder would be open to cancelling this policy early and taking out a new one with you as the secondary driver with a new insurer if there is a dramatic price difference. There should only be a relatively small admin fee to cancel early, with a possibility of a refund if they paid upfront for the year and still have a lot of time remaining.
  2. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    If you are going to use the car more often than any other driver then you need to revert to the main driver & then add whoever you need to be additional.
  3. AndyRoyd's avatar
  4. KatieMarsden91's avatar
  5. bargainhunter139's avatar
    Congrats - as above has said, if your the main driver and down as a named driver to save the £££’s then its best to be honest to build up your no claims as its classed as fronting. While its hard to prove, if you are unfortunate to have an accident being the named driver while driving, be prepared for a long investigation & rather deep pockets as most only cover third party insurance. 
  6. davejb's avatar
    if its cheaper than take out your own personal policy and remove yourself as named driver.. probably better in the long run as you can build up your own no claims..…ar/

    although if youre removing yourself as named driver you might want to check how that affects the original insurance as it might put UP their policy and then any saving is lost.
    Willy_Wonka's avatar
    Not naming yourself as the main driver (if you are) is totally illegal
  7. NoddyBoy's avatar
    Thanks for all the inputs.. i think my usage will still be much less. Though it is intriguig to know that it could be an issue with claim if named driver is driving.. didnt know about that :-(
    Willy_Wonka's avatar
    If you are the person that drives the car more than anyone else then you must name yourself as the main driver. It is an offence not to do so & insurance companies are hot on this today, especially if you have an accident. Most of the time they pick this stuff up when you are doing it online. .

    In any case if you are the main driver you can get insurance with a tracker & they will assess your driving as you go. They will send you extra bills should you behave like an idiot. (my daughter got one of these & she got a black mark for exceeding the speed limit) (edited)
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