Introducing.... Deal Stats - want to know how your deal is performing? Now you can!

Posted 16th Aug 2023
We're excited to introduce Deal Stats, a new feature designed to provide valuable information to our community's deal posters.

With Deal Stats, you'll have access to key metrics that shed light on the impact your deals have on the community. From the number of views to the clicks on your deal link, these stats aim to enhance transparency and showcase the influence of your contributions.

One of our priorities this year is to enhance the experience of deal posters. They are the lifeblood of our platform; it could not thrive without them.

During our research, we discovered that one of the key motivations for people to post deals is the desire to give back to the community. While votes and comments provide a sense of the value and utility of their contributions, they don't always accurately reflect the overall level of interest. A deal may, on surface, seem to spark little interest from the community, while resonating well with the rest of our audience.

As a result, we have explored various solutions to make the influence of their contributions more conspicuous. For instance, we introduced deal reactions in the UK (which we later decided to abandon due to low adoption rates), and we disclosed some additional data to selected deal posters in Germany.

This final test proved to be successful: deal posters who received the additional data about their deals rated it as particularly valuable and helpful. With Deal Stats we are now bringing the following statistics to all deal posters:

  • Number of Views: The number of times the deal was seen in any of our listings.
  • Number of Visits: The number of times the deal was opened.
  • Number of Clicks: The number of times the deal link or links within the description was clicked on.

Starting from today onwards, these statistics will be displayed exclusively to their respective deal posters on every deal submitted, across all platforms (Web, Android, iOS).

We're excited to bring you this first version of Deal Stats and eager to hear your feedback. This is one of the many changes we are currently working on to enhance the value for the people actively contribute to the community. Stay tuned for forthcoming updates and additional statistics that may be added in the future!
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  1. nimbusgamer's avatar
    Nice feature, Reddit does something similar too. Desktop screenshot below for anyone curious
    [1] Does 45.500+ mean 45,500+ views?
    [2] Clicks ("number of times the deal link was clicked on") - I thought this would be about the 'Get Deal/Voucher' button, but not so sure anymore, since the deal below doesn't include such a button but still has 60+ clicks. Please could you clarify the difference between clicks and visits?
    [3] Which of these three metrics exclude duplicate counts? Registered users who comment, or sub to comments, on a thread, plus non-registered users who bookmark the thread webpage will likely be viewing/visiting that thread multiple times, which might lead to inflated values.
    50799959-ILG3Y.jpg (edited)
    Jason's avatar
    Hi Glad to hear you like it! To answer those questions -

    1) Indeed that is 45,500. I'll speak to the team to see about using , instead of .

    2) It will be all clicks from within the deal so if there is no deal link (like your offline deal) it will be links in the description content. I'll update the info on this thread to make that clear. Clicks are also per user. So if a user clicks 5 links in the description, they'll count as a single click from that user.

    3) The views is also per user. So if a user sees the thread in New then again in Hot and maybe again in their saved threads it will only count as a single view for that thread. (edited)
  2. mastercruzer's avatar
    Do deal posters get paid?
    SebK's avatar
    Daily Amazon Rewards

    across 15 categories (like for example Electronics, Groceries etc.)
    45 members every single day get (for posting 3 hottest deals in each category)
    -15 x £10 voucher,
    -15 x £5 voucher and
    -15 x £3 voucher.

    Users can only win a single voucher per day, freebies or offline deals are excluded.
  3. SebK's avatar
    Good idea, but I would also add the amount of cold and hot votes, and who is voting
    jamie15's avatar
    No need to share who is voting, but showing hot/cold votes would be intriguing.
  4. PD2K79's avatar
    Love this new feature and 
    at some of the stats on deals I’ve posted.

    Its easy to forget how many people use this site.

  5. Uridium's avatar
    Is this only for newly posted deals or will it show historic data?
    Jason's avatar
    EDIT - it will be for some older deals too Thanks (edited)
  6. Pájaro's avatar
    Semantics, but shouldn't it be 'number of viewers', rather than 'number of views' if it's counting how many people have seen rather than how many times it's been seen?
    Dan's avatar
    Good question - answer is, "it's complicated". Two views close together (in one browsing session, basically) would be counted as one view, but then if you returned later, or don't accept cookies, or switch between desktop, mobile or app, then that next view would count as an additional one.

    So neither way is 100% semantically accurate. For our internal data, we are just satisfied that it is consistent in how it works, making everything comparable.
  7. jamie15's avatar
    Good idea to show more stats, I'd imagine a large % of site visitors are not active voters or even members, so showing overall clicks/impressions helps show wider impact of deals posted (edited)
    bozo007's avatar
    The problem is that this may create a spiral of voting in either direction. Far too many people already vote just by looking at the current score rather than the deal itself. That's how cold deals get colder and vice versa. Then there are some members whose every deal post goes hot, like a cult following even if the deal is nothing special. I am afraid more data may only fuel this further and discourage those who rarely post.
  8. JGiles's avatar
    It’s a nice thing to add just so you at least know posted deals get ‘viewed’ etc as opposed to sometimes thinking they’ve just disappeared into the ether
    Dan's avatar
    Indeed - and sometimes users just want to click through and see the deal, so don't stop to vote or comment (Plus you can only do those things if you are logged in, of course)
  9. bozo007's avatar
    Does this explain the weird notification I got today?
    Also, wouldn't this also trigger performance anxiety? Maybe offer a Off switch?
    one_eight_seven's avatar
  10. Ouzoherb's avatar
    What's the criteria for the £10 award of highest deal. Does it have to reach a minimum 100 score for example and if you select another category from the auto pick one does the new categogy apply or the original one.
    Sigma's avatar
    Hi the deal or voucher must have reached 'HOT' (over 100°) and then the top 3 hottest deals in each category can win an award - 1st £10, 2nd £5 and 3rd £3

    Offline deals and freebies are excluded from the reward criteria. And members can only win a maximum of one voucher a day (edited)
  11. solid's avatar
    "One of our priorities this year is to enhance the experience of deal posters. They are the lifeblood of our platform; it could not thrive without them."

    It would be SUPER useful if HUKD could find a way of keeping a deal's comments, even if the deal itself has to be removed

    These threads can have some useful and valid information, which all vanishes if a deal gets pulled

    That would be a very valuable addition to the site
    Jason's avatar
    Hey If a deal has to be merged we do combine the comments unless there is nothing in the later thread (for example if it just says 'already posted').

    If you're referring to deleted deals, that is more difficult because there is a reason why the thread cannot remain on site.

    Do you have any examples you can remember? We can then look at the deletion reason and see if there are any easy solutions.
  12. edmoss's avatar
    Awesome data. The numbers in the stats are mind blowing though! One of my recent deals has current stats of:
    Views: 185,000
    Visits: 3460
    Clicks: 740

    The temperature is 255 and the number of comments is 23. It shows you how few people rate the deals and engage with the community! (edited)
    edmoss's avatar
    Also, it probable seems right. I only vote if I am informed enough on the item, its current average cost and the merchant selling the item.
  13. kevlfc's avatar

    ive wanted this for a while sure loads are the same

    the stats never lie (edited)
    fishmaster's avatar
    I like big stats and I can not lie
  14. usetheforceluke's avatar
    Honestly who cares. Nobody is cutting a cut of the affiliate so why bother
    legodealsmad's avatar
    See re Amazon vouchers if you post regularly you can get a fair few
  15. kwerty's avatar
    Isn't this the problem with modern social media? Too much stat chasing and posting purely for clout.
    I always thought the point of this site was "Ooh that's a good deal, I'll let other people know about it...", not a desperate attempt for attention and popularity.
    The2Time's avatar
    Well no one else can see the stats so it doesn't really make any difference. Of course unless you start boasting about the stats for clout... which surely no one over the age of 10 would do.
  16. mudcat's avatar
    Conspiracy theories will be abound.
    Still, I'm looking forward to seeing the results for the use of the G-word, picture of a scantily clad woman, and "vegan" in a single post
    mudcat's avatar
    (#Greggs - this is your time!)
  17. Buckyball's avatar
    Can the plattform please explain:

    • Number of Views: The number of times the deal was seen in any of our listings.

    Please explain the model behind it and how this can have an statistical evidence/value.
    Dan's avatar

    Views relates to the number of times a deal has appeared in someone's For You, Hot, or New feeds (and they've actually seen it), or when they visit another listing (eg, the Electronics group) and scroll down far enough for the deal to appear on their screen.

    The value is, I guess, in the eye of the beholder - how we use this number is understanding which deals are getting overall the most exposure on the platform.
  18. hootz's avatar
    Now how about revenue sharing…
  19. Sarden84's avatar
    Very interesting aspect, certainly useful for the prebult.

    When i do the prebuilt market i come of the main stream methods due to "tons of request"

    Rather then say past gen with high gpu vs new gen + low gpu.

    Or then in any gen

    6c + gpu vs 8c + lower gpu.

    These request are high but folks get dissed when request it by the normal "spend more on gpu"

    Be interest to bring alt ideas further and see how they static do.

    Obvious all will be of value being the key to there method for posting reason.

    And u may find that stat" they do well despite the usual suspect who slate that method.

    I see this being useful feature for the huk regs and the ones with a passion on bring diversity on value deals in many lights ( couldn't care less about the amazon vouchers) (edited)
  20. mysmugcat's avatar
    Wowza. Sounds like technical stuff, *mysmugcat goes for a rest*.
  21. RealDonaldTrump's avatar
    Damn who will become the MrBeast of HUKD?
  22. TiscaliSurvivor's avatar
    That will change the planet. 
  23. deleted2936900's avatar
    Voted hot! 🔥 Ohh wait I can't. Well explained and clarified Dan and Jason
  24. ashmac's avatar
    I’d personally make the site membership only don’t see why the average Jo can juts take all the best deals when there not a member.

    But the site makes revenue from clicks so they won’t give a dam if your a member or not
    BodisBest's avatar
    Charge too, quid a go
  25. sm9690's avatar
    It's been a week and still no change from a dot to a comma on the number of views, it's a very simple change
    Sigma's avatar
    Hi, the 'thousand' separator can vary depending on country. For example, in Germany numbers over 1000 can be listed as 1.234.567,89, but in the UK they can be listed as 1,234,567.89.

    So rather than a simple solution, the team have to take into account regional variations in the number format for each Pepper community, but they are working on creating a custom format currently
  26. SebK's avatar
    Honestly these stats are very annoying.

    108.200+ Views
    3480+ Visits
    1030+ Clicks

    Deal was voted on surprise surprise - 38 times
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