Car accident

Posted 9th Feb 2023
Something that I am clueless about but fortunately never needed to deal with.

What actually are you supposed to do following an accident with another vehicle on the road? Do you call the Police? What do you do if you car is blocking the road? Do you call your breakdown provider to move the car?

Its just a random thought that sometimes pops into my head whilst driving. Usually after being cut up by BMW driver. Its important to know, and perhaps will be of use to others.
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  1. JimboParrot's avatar
    Stop being critical of BMW drivers. We are not all thoughtless or inconsiderate.
    jinkssick's avatar
    yeah we believe you
  2. Attic45's avatar
    Tell the other driver they don’t look well and they should sit back in the driver seat.

    Hand them a beer to calm their nerves.

    Take photo.

    Dude1971's avatar
    Genuinely just LOL'd in a Teams meeting ;-)
  3. Imogenthat's avatar
    In addition to all the above, take a photo of the other driver. Proves they were at the scene , helps if they say their car plates were cloned etc
  4. tcf's avatar
    Count how many people were in the other car at the time of the accident. It's amazing how brothers and cousins can suddenly appear out of nowhere on the other party's insurance report, all with neck and back injuries. (edited)
  5. jinkssick's avatar
    take pictures, more pics and more pics. preferably in position the cars collided.
    take persons insurance details. dont get into the "its your fault" biz, thats what you pay insurance for. let them deal with it.
    when insurance company calls as says usual "your neck ok? headache" just state at this current moment in time I am well but that could change, coz youd be surprised the pains you get a few days after etc.
  6. Channy-2020's avatar
    I think the most important thing to obtain would be the other vehicle/vehicles number registration plates. Insurance companies can find out who the other insurers are simply from the number plates should the other drivers not know them or if they flee the scene, if they flee the scene I would definitely report it to the police before doing anything else.
  7. melted's avatar
    Buy and use a dashcam!

    Don't mention to the other party that you have one. Knowing you have footage may affect any lies they choose to tell if they caused it and want to transfer the blame.

    Get details of any witnesses.

    Take lots of pictures, and don't forget to photo the road markings, if you need to move the cars try to get a few pics to show their position after the collision first.

    Draw a sketch showing the position of the cars when they collided as soon as practical, while it is still fresh in your memory. (edited)
    Backinamo's avatar
    I do need to get a dashcam. I need to understand them first.
  8. Backinamo's avatar
    Thanks for the links and the comment.
  9. darlodge's avatar
    Check on the other person's involved, do they need medical treatment? Do you need medical treatment?

    As said, take pictures, gets other parties numbers (this includes independent witness), get insurance details, see if anyone has any dash cams, ask on local Facebook pages the following day if anyone has any footage of accident, keep warm (shock does funny things), try and keep yourself safe and don't wander around the carriage way or road looking at damage.

    Just accept though that in an accident people can go into a state of shock and their mind and rational thought goes out of the window. People will mask injuries, the most mild mannered of people will suddenly turn into a ranting psycho wanting blood for being an inconvenience to them (even if it was their fault).

    Have your insurance details handy at all times, also have emergency numbers available in case you can't call (see earlier comment about shock).

    I've been in a few accidents and they are never the same, when people are hurt it's very emotional. One rear end smash we had totally bucked the entire car and we got squished between two cars so it quickly turned into a large scale issue as there were many injured parties.
    Backinamo's avatar
    Thanks. Don't even know which company i am with for insurance. its in a drawer. Haha. that would sound suspicious.

    (I do my partners insurance and father in laws, all different based on comparison sites, why i get muddled) (edited)
  10. AMaky's avatar
    Don't call it an accident, it's an incident.
    Check everyone alive, or need ambulance.
    Take photos and details. and see if any witnesses and their details.
    If car is in bad state or debris on road than potentially police call out to make area safe.

  11. abigsmurf's avatar
    Be really careful if you're blocking the road and the other person is keen you both move the cars to somewhere where it isn't blocking people. Take pictures of the car, their licence plate and the driver before you move. I know someone who got rear-ended at traffic lights, person who crashed into him suggested they pull into a layby a short distance away. He got in his car, the car that hit him promptly did a U-turn and sped off.
  12. richp's avatar
    Never admit fault or partial fault, even if you think you were the cause of accident.
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