Passport application/verification

Posted 2nd Apr 2023
Would my best friend who works in IT Support and previously worked in the NHS be able to confirm my identity for my online application for a new passport? Would it fit with the recognized profession part of the criteria?
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  1. Willy_Wonka's avatar
    I don't think they qualify. I also don't think they accept friends or relatives. Or at least they didn't use to.

    And if it is your first passport they do telephone interviews, so it is not a good idea to lie about your relationship.
    Eez1's avatar
    Eez1 Author
    On the website it says a friend that has known you for more than 2 years. We`ve been friends for close to 20. Everything fits but im just not sure of the occupation side of things
  2. whitcakes's avatar
    I often confirm identity for family in law and friends. I don't work in a management role either. I do work in a school, not as a teacher, but in a professional role. (edited)
  3. MicroManaged's avatar
    I am an "IT Professional" and have signed a few with no issues. The Passport office don't know your occupation or your qualifications so it is fine for them to sign.

    They have relaxed the rules a lot and essentially so long as you aren't unemployed you can sign one.
  4. joyf4536's avatar
    No hurry, I think they're on strike for 5 weeks.
  5. aLV426's avatar
    Family of 6, I applied for passports (4 new/firsts for the kids all under 17 at the time), one for the missus (renew) and one for me (I put it down as lost). The only interview was for my daughter and it was almost a grooming session as they asked a lot of questions I didn't think applied? (Like homework and hobbies?!). I had to visit the passport office, which was a tad annoying.
    I was going to use my dentist as a reference, however that fool was looking £15 for each one! The headmaster/principal of our kids primary school agreed to do it for a donation to the school fund. I over paid to get mine down express (which reminds me I still need to cash in the cheque!). The rest got theirs in a few days which was annoying as the turnaround was almost as quick as the express turnaround I paid for (I couldn't get 24 hours as I had stated I had lost my old one)
    I pity anyone trying to get one now, but with the way things are going I doubt we will actually bother going abroad now.
    bozo007's avatar
    The questions for your daughter were probably to check if she was legitimately your daughter, lived with you doing things kids her age do and was not being taken to be married off to a 70-yr old.

    And calling the dentist a fool doesn't make sense. Giving references is not a part of their job and no one will do it for free. Even the school asked for money. (edited)
  6. samosa's avatar
    Your friend may need to have some professional qualification to counter sign.

    I countersigned non-blood family and most friends and their kids but I’m in a recognised profession. (edited)
  7. psychobitchfromhell's avatar
    IT support won't allow you to countersign, but nhs might. Depends on the role held. I can counterweight because I used to work for a bank (recognised profession) and because I have a degree and rent out a property (person of good standing in the community). I know this because the lady in the passport office told me. I'm don T know to what extent they check these references.
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